Friday, April 7, 2017

Swedish Actress Linnea Persson Lands Title Role

"I've always wanted to entertain," Linnea Persson told us. "I grew up in Helsingborg, Sweden, and became increasingly enchanted with Hollywood and the entertainment industry. When I was fourteen, I committed to that dream and informed friends and family that I would be living and working in Hollywood by the time I was twenty."

Such are the dreams and fantasies of millions of young people all over the world. For Linnea, though, it was not a fantasy. It was a serious statement of fact. "At first, people just smiled when I told them," Linnea said. "But it wasn't long before their doubts turned to acknowledgement and even understanding. Many said they could feel my passion, and I think most grew to at least appreciate my commitment!"

"When I was nineteen,"
 Linnea continued, her smile broadening, "do you know what I did? – I moved to the Film Capital of the World – Hollywood, California, USA! It was a huge change from my childhood home in Sweden, but it was my future and I embraced it!"

Linnea's passion for the film and television industry was – and is – unstoppable. Her enthusiasm is contagious. No matter how powerful or famous people are, most feel comfortable with Linnea from their very first meeting. To look into her eyes is to see a depth of maturity and wisdom way beyond her years.

"I have a wonderful support team," Linnea explained. "That's one of the great secrets of success in the film industry. Name any major star who ever made it alone." Linnea looked around the room to see if anyone would respond, paused for a moment, smiled, and added, "They all had strong teams. I have my agent, my publicist, my growing circle of producer friends. I had lunch last month with a couple of film producers whom I had not met previously. As a result, I have been hired to star in the upcoming feature film 'Fury Scorned' and it looks as though I will be playing a nice role in the 'Cuban Lightning, the Zipper' franchise."

Linnea Persson has defied the odds and is literally living her Hollywood dream – and she wants us to know that she's just getting started!

Watch for her; follow her. Coming soon to a theater near you, Linnea Persson.

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