Sunday, January 24, 2016

Kings of Movies Endorses ‘Concussion' as an Essential Movie Pick of the Week

 Kings of Movies is officially launching in Los Angeles January 2016; however the company decided to give its engines an early flight being especially motivated by Sony Pictures release of the new movie, ”Concussion."

Kings of Movies announces Sony’s new film, “Concussion,” as an essential feature movie of the week.  Directed by Peter Landesman, “Concussion” is based on the true story based on immigrant, Dr. Bennett Omalu, his discovery of CTE and his battle with the NFL on the effects of concussions on football players. ”Concussion stars Will Smith, Alec Baldwin and debuts in theaters across America on Christmas Day, Dec.25.

In a special edition of Sports Illustrated that just hit the news stands today December 24th, NFL All Star and Bama All American, Keith McCants shares his feelings after attending a prescreening:"“I now know why Andre killed himself, I know why Junior Seau killed himself, I know why Keith McCants wanted to kill himself.” Dr. Bennett Omalu shares that the goal of the film is to educate people about the risks of developing CTE when engaged in the sport of football.

"Understandably there has been a heavy dose of negativity in 2015 with world events but like that beacon of light for the Chilean miners let's remember also that humanity is still stepping forward with positive change too, including the philanthropic work of Mr. & Mrs. Bill Gates and Mr. & Mrs. Mark Zuckerberg. Change for the betterment of the future comes in many different ways, like the 1969 Stonewall Riots in New York which became the catalyst of change in a city that now welcomes same sex marriage; the spark started its journey in the summer of June '69.

The "Concussion" movie is shining the light on long-term injury related trauma that can negatively affect the life quality of people from the sport years later which impacts the players directly and their family's future; like a stone in the pond, it ripples out.  What good is 5 years of top-level sports if it can detrimentally affect a person's health for the next 50 years, when an adjustment in the rules can greatly reduce the percentage of future suffering. "Concussion" as a movie, is a catalyst for enlightened change. We know about nicotine, alcohol and sugar damage, the long term effects of trauma is also under the microscope now. Beacons of light guide us all to the future. That's what "Concussion" with Will Smith is doing," says Eddie Gordon, Founder/President of Kings of Movies.

“Concussion” is the second film selected to be featured on KINGS OF MOVIES in 2015 with the first feature being award winning indie film, “Under the Blood-Red Sun,” directed by Tim Savage and produced by Dana Satler Hankins.

About Kings of Movies

Kings of Movies is filling the gap with a groundbreaking promotional website where young filmmakers can debut their movie trailers to a global database of Radio DJ's to spread the word on their shows and to a worldwide social media audience the Kings Of Spins.

Eddie Gordon, a prominent British music innovator in Europe and founder of Kings of Spins in the USA, is teaming up with Cheryl Schayer and Belinda Foster to launch the breakthrough platform that will generate movie campaigns.

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