Strong and Shapely Gym is one of the best known gyms in the fitness industry . Featured on 10 TV show including ESPN, Fox Sports, TLC,INSIDE EDITION,and MAURY POVICH .Also featured in 13 fitness magazines. This year both Muscle and Fitness and Flex magazines name the gym one of the top gyms in our country, Know for its energetic atmosphere and huge amount of equipment is why the celebs like to train there when in New Jersey to hone their appearance that their profession requires them to have. They include Jason Biggs, John Cena, Joe Weider, the late Gregory Hines, Daisey Fuentes, award winning actor Keith Collins , The Rock , NYC's Famed The Naked Cowboy , worlds largest arms Gregg Valentino, Jim from the Biggest loser , Fury (Jamie Reed) from American Gladiator ,Jason Prager from Beauty and The Geek, and a slew of professional bodybuilders that include many Mr. and Ms. Olympia winners. http://strong-and-shapely.com/celebs.html Bob Bonham owner and trainer of champion fitness women says this 25,000 sq, ft. facility is still run like a mom and pop business and that one of the reason our members look better than the big chain places.Now you know the secret. you need to know its located in the meadow lands area , 20 minutes from NYC. at 150 Union Ave. East Rutherford NJ. Open 24 hours with a 24 hour tanning salon. For more info log onto;
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