Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Urban Myth launches Indiegogo Campaign to help finance post-production on director’s unique film

 Urban Myth launches Indiegogo Campaign to help finance post-production on director’s unique film.

Have you ever wanted to be part of making a movie? Urban Myths, the movie is set to be one of the most interesting and unique campaigns every hosted on Indiegogo, and will be raising funds for the post-production of this astounding new movie from Mirror Dog Productions.

Its a great opportunity for people and businesses to be part of the movie making process.  How about being an Associate Producer?  The Indiegogo Campaign for Urban Myths brings people together in a cause, and helps unite them for a purpose.

What separates “Urban Myths” from other films is simply the story.  Its uniqueness and the way it demonstrates we all have a story to tell, and the secrets to living life is more about understanding your own instincts, thoughts and emotions, rather than some alien philosophical concept. It’s through the analogies of the situations the characters find themselves, their inner fears, demons, anger, emotions, flight or fight mentality.

Another thing that makes the film unique and a stand out from the crowd of cult films these days is that you can jump in right now and be part of the Post-Production, Marketing and Film Festivals.

"Why I told the story I chose to tell is I made a decision to awaken a new way of being, to show how truly powerful we are by unlocking that inner potential, through a story that youth, young adults and old can find someone to relate to. We all have asked the question ”Who Are We Really?” says Kim Marie, the Executive Producer/Director.

Kim Marie also has this to say about the movie: " It’s a journey of self discovery, about family, friendship, sisterhood, instinct, light verses dark, growth, love and loss.  Yes, in nature this is a Dramatic, Paranormal, Suspense Thriller. However, it's also an analogy, the story is teaching life lessons in a way people can relate and understand. The depth of this film is truly unique."

The options for rewards represent a broad spectrum, leaving the door open for anyone to help finance the movie and be part of making something spectacular. Plus you can always say you helped make a movie as an Indiegogo Associate Producer.

"This also can help pave the way for how films are made. We want to see films we can relate to, that move us, that change how we think and challenge our points of view. That’s why we love to see movies." says Kim Marie, the Executive Producer.

Urban Myths Indiegogo Campaign has lots of exciting incentives, and allows you to be part of the movie making process, get your name in lights too, and stay involved during the whole process with updates, interviews from the cast and many fun things during the campaign that you won't want to miss out on.

Urban Myths is also asking that you please help pass this along to all your friends and family and Follow  them on Social Media as their mission is to make this go VIRAL, and they welcome you to be part of the Urban Myth family too.

Here's a Mini Teaser - Sneak Peek Urban Myths Movie:

For more information and to get in on the Excitement:

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